
Teamcoaching & Management Consulting

Dynamics are complex in organisations operating actively in the market or society. Teams have to adjust, change gears and adapt continuously. Teamcoaching means you will take time as a team to see what is going on in the team, the context of the team and the impact it has on the dynamics in the team. In this way the teammembers become aware of what is needed in the team to enhance the collaboration and get results in contact with stakeholders in the context.

It bring qualities of the team to the surface. Individuals will experience they start to work more from a group as a whole perspective experiencing interconnection and enhancing individual teammembers to contribute with more energy to the team. We will design the proces to get there in together unless you decide otherwise. In any case I will seek involvement along the process.

Facilitation of dialogue

Do you want to organize a dialogue with a big or small group than I can help you yo design the programme and facilitate the dialogue. I will use inspiration from Deep Democracy and my experience with facilitation and communication skills.

My experience draws on assignments with teams and management in academic context, public sector, developement cooperation and education.
