Djura - Coach in Wageningen

Djura Prins

Prins in Communicatie is the company owned by Djura Prins for coaching and consulting which focusses on effectivity of teams or projectteams, organisations and professionals in (role) transition. The the transition can be related to developments on organisational growth or development, the complexity of integrating social and technical innovation and selfsteering teams.

What makes me different? My fascination for the complex interactions between people and organisations, groupdynamics and the relation with organisations and change. I combine shaping a structure, intuition, building relations and working towards concrete results on the way. I have experience with executive coaching, management development, training-of-trainers, participation in the Netherlands and non-western countries, students, adamic professionals, knowledge institutes, rural entrepeneurs, local governments, waterboards and entrepeneurs. I was trained by School for Communication trainer ITV, Facilitation of learning at Deinthe, Coaching and Consultaing in Contex according to the Tavistock School on conscious and unconscious dynamics in organisations and participated in many groups relation conferences to learn about dynamics in a temporary learning system. 

